What counts as a slip, trip or fall?

The most common type of accidents in the workplace continue to be slips, trips and falls. Although these terms sound very similar and may seem like they have been grouped together because of this, they are in fact quite different from each other and protecting you from injuries caused by slips, trips and falls is part of your employer’s legal duty of care to you under the terms of the Health and Safety at Work Act and other relevant legislation.


In terms of the workplace environment, a ‘slip’ is defined as any time your feet lose grip on the surface you are either standing or walking on. This may be due to the floor being wet, because it has recently been polished or because a rug hasn’t been securely fixed to the ground.

An example of when this would stray into the territory of your employer breaching their duty of care to you would be if the cleaning staff mopped the floor but then failed to leave out the correct warning signage and you then slipped on the wet floor and harm yourself. In this instance, your employer would be at fault for failing to ensure the cleaning staff had done their job correctly and you would potentially be able to claim compensation from your employer for any loss of earnings you suffered while having to take time off work in order to recover.


In terms of the workplace,  a ‘trip’ usually happens when you are walking on an uneven surface or if the lighting in part of your workplace isn’t bright enough for you to see items that are large enough for you to trip over.

If your workplace has a cluttered floor and, for whatever reason, you trip over and injure yourself, this would be an example of a trip in the workplace your employer would be liable for.


While the term ‘fall’ usually makes us think of a fall from a great height, that is not always the case in the workplace. For example, you may simply be using a small stepladder to help a colleague hang something on the office wall. If the stepladder is faulty though, you or your colleague may incur an injury as a result. While this may seem inconsequential, it is worth remembering that even a fall from a few inches can cause nasty injuries.

How we can help

Slips, trips and falls are still the most common form of workplace injury and, only by following Health and Safety guidelines, will the number of incidents start to come down.

However, if you find yourself injured because of one of the above types of accidents, be sure to speak to a recognised personal injury solicitor at the earliest opportunity.

At The Compensation Experts, we work with specialist law firms who have a track record making successful workplace injury compensation claims. We and the firms we work with have a lot of experience in these cases and so, are well-placed to help you get the maximum amount of compensation you are entitled to. After your initial consultation with our advisors, which is done on a free no-obligation basis, we will match you with the firm who best suits the circumstances of your case.

If you decide to progress your claim, your solicitor will collect any evidence to help build the strongest possible case to support your claim. This evidence will be used not only to prove your entitlement to compensation but also to show the extent of your physical and financial suffering to ensure the amount you receive is fair.

Do not hesitate then to get in touch with us via the contact form on our website or by calling 0161 413 8765.

What Are My Fall at Work Claim Rights?

With any fall at work claim, clients ask “What are my rights after I have a fall at work?”

Any accident which occurs during the course of your everyday life can be traumatic. However, one which occurs at your place of work can have a profound effect on your attitude to your job. It can leave you feeling vulnerable and unprotected in your working life. In reality, you should instead feel comfortable and confident.

Not having apprehensions about returning to work.

Some fall at work negligence examples

If your employer is guilty of any of the following, we recommend that you seek professional advice regarding your rights to a claim. Specifically regarding the failure of an employer to:

  • Maintain the necessary health and safety standards in the workplace.
  • Provide adequate training.
  • Supply the correct equipment in order to conduct your job safely and without injury.

With a fall at work, your rights remain the same as any other accident or incident within the workplace. That is if the fall is a direct result of your employer’s negligence.

Does Your Employer Use an Accident Book?

Even if you’re in a relatively small workplace, the employer needs to have an accident book on site. According to Citizens Advice, it’s imperative:

If the company or organisation you report your accident to has more than 10 employees, they must record it in an accident book. It’s a good idea to make sure it’s been done. You can ask your manager to check.

But even if you aren’t seeking maximum compensation for an injury at this moment, talk with management about this. Those environments we’d never deem to hazardous might still lead to a slip, trip or fall. If so, it’s best to be ready to follow proper procedures for an accident.

Trust in a fall at work claim solicitor

Seeking the guidance and advice of a professional solicitor, such as the accident-at-work specialists at The Compensation Experts, is crucial. We find it’s integral that every client understands their rights regarding a workplace fall. Taking legal advice as soon as you’re able means your solicitor can:

  • best advise you on what evidence and information to collect in order to build a case;
  • put your claim in a better position to succeed.

What Does a Fall at Work Claim Involve?

During a claim, you will need to be able to prove lawfully that the fall at work:

  • was not your fault, and;
  • that it was a direct result of your employer’s failure in meeting regulatory standards.

This is why it is crucial to take action as soon as you can after your fall, due to the lengthy process of legal proceedings.

If your employer denies culpability, then you have the right to begin litigation proceedings. This means the claim process is longer, but it might be necessary. Investigating as soon as possible is paramount in order to gain a court date for a claim within the time limit of three years.

Sectors that susceptible to slips and falls

Those who fell at work and make an accident claim can come from any line of work. Nevertheless, some industries are more fertile ground for a personal injury claim that others.

A 2017 UNISON paper offers some insights into some of the more dangerous sectors for someone who slipped and fell. If you work in these sectors, a personal injury solicitor may come in handy regarding a claim for compensation.



Catering is a high-risk area for STFs. Leaks and spills, poorly placed items, floors in poor condition, or ineffective or inadequate cleaning lead to STFs being the major cause of workplace incidents in catering. With sharp tools in use, hard surfaces, and plenty of hot liquids and surfaces; the consequence of an STF can be far greater than usual.

Office Environments and Education

Indeed, the office workplace is also a veritable tripping zone. For accident at work claims in education and offices, compact spaces with dense populations can get hazardous. Regarding such environments, suffering an injury (including head injuries) make anything possible. UNISON says this:

A slip or trip within an office environment can lead to a far more serious injury or death if, for example, you fall against a corner of a desk or down some steps or stairs. Within the education sector, structured timetables see large volumes of staff and pupils or students move around at the same time. (Thus) increasing the potential for slip and trip incidents.


These days, healthcare industries are particularly vulnerable for many reasons. Bear in mind that was the case even before COVID-19 became part of the everyday lexicon. But with urgent workers moving about briskly, yet at the same time co-existing with infirm & vulnerable patients moving at their own pace, slips, trips and falls are rampant.

Long term injuries could add insult to (another) injury, too. Says UNISON:

STFs are the main cause of accidents to workers and patients in the healthcare sector. (They) account for around 50% of serious injuries to employees.

We talk at length about what kinds of incidents constitute slips, trips or falls here. Now, from that same blog post,


For a workplace environment, a ‘slip’ constitutes whenever your feet lose grip on the surface you’re standing or walking on. This may be due to:

  • wet floors;
  • a recent polishing of the floor or;
  • because a rug isn’t secure to the ground.


Trips come down to either uneven surfaces or ineffective lighting, causing an unintended spill on your part.

For example, your workplace has clutter all over the floor. For whatever reason, you stumble over and (making matters worse) injure yourself, too. In this hypothetical scenario, you’ve suffered a trip in the workplace that your employer would be liable for.


Finally, we come to the falls scenario. Here, we list a hypothetical fall example.

You’re using a small stepladder to help a colleague hang something on the office wall. However, the stepladder is wobbly and dangerous to use. As a result, either you or your colleague sustains an injury as a result. While this may seem inconsequential, it is worth remembering that even a fall from a few inches can cause nasty injuries.

What Can I Claim For With Slip and Fall Incidents?

You have the right to claim for loss of earnings because of time off work to recover from a slip, trip or fall. In a more serious case, this could involve a concussion, or possibly wounds that need additional time to heal. Perhaps you’ve lost a significant amount of income which statutory sick pay won’t adequately cover. Accordingly, you have every right to claim that money back.

You also have the right to claim money back for any expenses you accrue during your recovery time. This includes prescription costs, the transport costs when travelling to medical appointments or the hospital, and any general medical expenses needed after the fall. With this in mind, it’s important that you keep any and all receipts to prove these expenses and discuss them with your solicitor.

To further discuss your rights, speak to The Compensation Experts’ professional advice team. Reach out and see how we can help you start a claim.

A Guide to Making an Office Injury Claim

There are many categories when it comes to work injury claims, and injuries sustained during work in an office environment is one of them. It’s easy to think of workplace injuries to be more in physical lines of work, such as manual labour, where accidents are more likely, but no matter where your work is based, an employer has a legal obligation to manage your safety, and this includes the office environment.

The following are important details regarding any claim made relating to an office injury.

What Counts as an Office Injury?

The types of injuries which are relevant towards a claim are as follows:

  • Repetitive strain injury. This is an injury most suffered by office workers, due to the long hours spent sitting at a desk, usually typing and using their hands in the same way for hours on end. This injury involves pain felt in the muscles, nerves, and tendons.
  • Any injury sustained from a wet floor. If the floor is not properly signposted to signal a hazard and you have fallen or slipped, any subsequent injury is relevant.
  • Any strain caused as a result of an incorrect procedure. This includes back strain from lifting objects which you have not been properly trained to lift.
  • Eye strain from overuse of laptops or VDUs.
  • Being injured as the result of a fallen object.
  • An injury sustained from faulty equipment. An example would be an electric shock; even if it is an injury from a faulty kettle in the break room, that equipment is still the responsibility of your employer.
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. This is caused by excess pressure on the nerve in your wrist and can be exacerbated by typing at a desk for long periods with your wrists in the same position.

Check Your Responsibilities as an Employee

It’s important before making any claim that you are sure you have done everything expected of you as an employee in regards to health and safety. For example, if your employer has provided you with the best equipment to limit eye strain or repetitive strain injury, and you have chosen to not use it regularly or else have been misusing it, then this means your employer is not fully liable for the subsequent injury. If you know that you have fulfilled everything required of you as an employee and your injury is a direct result of your employer alone, then you are eligible to speak to an advisor about a claim.

What’s Involved?

Once the claim has been confirmed, the procedure will be as follows:

  • Gathering proof of the nature and extent of the injury. This could be obtaining medical records, checking the employer’s accident book, or potentially an independent medical assessment.
  • Proving that the injury was not unavoidable or a matter of chance. This is important, as it means being able to prove that the injury would not have occurred naturally, and is a direct result of the neglected work environment.

Speak with the team at The Compensation Experts for further advice.

Faulty Cutting Gear that Cost a Hand and £1.5 Million in Compensation

A Glasgow firefighter has been awarded £1.5m in damages after an injury caused by faulty cutting equipment led to the amputation of his hand.

In 2014 Ian McDonald was taking part in a training exercise at Bishopbriggs fire station in East Dunbartonshire. The exercise involved simulating a rescue from a car accident. Mr McDonald was using hydraulic cutting equipment which malfunctioned and let out a jet of toxic hydraulic fluid at high pressure. The jet was so strong that it pierced his leather safety gloves and the liquid destroyed tissue in his hand.

Describing the incident, Mr McDonald said: “I had no idea what was going on – my hand felt like it was on fire and was swollen with a painful throbbing feeling… when blood tests revealed I was poisoned, we realised something happened with the cutting gear.”

Mr McDonald went through 4 years and 40 operations in a fight to save his hand. While medical specialists at Glasgow Royal Infirmary amputated the little finger with his ring finger being removed a year later.

“My dexterity remained pretty good, but the pain was agonising, and nothing would stop it. When I heard the full hand had to go, the idea of being pain-free made it easier to accept.”

Having tried numerous painkillers, botox and acupuncture, in June 2018 he was admitted to Queen Elizabeth University Hospital to have his right hand amputated at the wrist. The procedure took 18 days and six surgeries. Mr MacDonald now uses a prosthesis.

Solicitors conducted an investigation which found that there had been an inadequate system of maintenance and safety inspections.

An investigation into the incident by the solicitors revealed that, although the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service knew about the potential risks involved, there was an inadequate system of inspection and maintenance for equipment. In addition, protective coverings which would have prevented the injury were not in use.

Solicitor, David Nellaney, said: “The SFRS is undoubtedly a safety-conscious organisation that provides an invaluable service, but on this occasion, it failed in its duty of care to an employee.”

While Mr McDonald was offered legal representation, he chose his own lawyers to access a specialist prosthetic, instead of a “hook” which was being offered by the NHS.

Mr McDonald added: ” I’ve still a way to go, but after the support of my family, the doctors and colleagues I finally feel like the dark days are behind me.”

Mr McDonald has four children and is recovering at home with his wife Claire currently.

The deputy chief officer of SFRS, David McGown, said commented that it was, “extremely heartening to see that he continues to make a strong recovery”.

He also added: “Following a robust investigation into Mr McDonald’s injury, we undertook a review of equipment and related safety checks and have taken appropriate steps to minimise the risk of similar incidents happening in the future.”

If you have would like to discuss a similar accident or have been affected by this story, then it is in your best interest to get in contact with us at The Compensation Experts where we can discuss your legal issue and help you to make a claim.

Injury In The Office and Knowing Your Rights

With an office injury, the rights of the individual are definitely worth knowing and understanding. It’s a more common occurrence, too: nearly 30 million work days in the UK were lost due to injury in 2018-19.

Certainly offices are generally safer than areas in which you have to commit to manual labour tasks. But these days, offices still have common workplace injuries that you should be aware of. This guide will help those suffering injury in the office to know their rights. In addition, it will explain how you can prevent some of the most common workplace injuries.

What are the Most Common Office Injuries?

Repetitive strain injuries include muscle, tendon sprains and vision hindrances. These often happen through the intensive use of certain body parts. For instance, you may get wrist pain if you are typing for extensive periods. Alternatively, you might also suffer eye strain from using the computer for lengthy amounts of time. To prevent these, you should adjust your workstation to your own needs. For instance, by adjusting the angle of your keyboard or turning down the brightness on your computer, if possible.

Sprains and fractures often happen in the workplace by falling, tripping, or slipping. Moreover, many of these sprains and fractures are reasonably avoidable. Especially with better health and safety precautions. To prevent these, you should ensure that your workplace has:

  • thorough health and safety regulations and;
  • full awareness of your surroundings at all times.

Not only this, but you should ensure that communal areas are left tidy. Moreover, signs are clearly left if a floor or surface is slippery or dangerous.

What Are Your Office Injury Rights?

As a worker, you have the right to make an injury at work claim against your employer if they are at fault for causing your injury. You also have the right to get medical attention immediately for any injury that you contract in the workplace.

Additionally, you have the right to get compensation for your injury and have time off work in order to recover. However, you also have the right to return to your workplace without harassment when you recover from the injury. In terms of your legal rights, you also need legal representation to appeal any court decisions made in injury cases.

What Should You Do in the Event of Injury?

If you have sustained a workplace injury at the fault of your employer, you should seek a solicitor who can discuss your claims at work and help you to gather the appropriate evidence in order to gain compensation. You should also request your medical records so that you have proof of your symptoms and their causation.

In short, this will make your case stronger in court even if your injury heals quickly. Solicitors will be able to guide you through your work accident claim UK according to your individual situation and help you to begin a  court case if necessary, and if your employer fails to accept the liability or the terms of your compensation claim.

Although making an injury at work claim is fairly common, by following this guide, you will ensure that you know your rights and that the process can cause as least stress for you as possible.

4 Common Workplace Injuries To Be Aware Of

With the exception of sleeping in bed, working in a workplace is where we spend most of our time. Accordingly, workplaces should be safe spaces where we can work without the stress (or fear) of worrying about injury. However, workplaces are dangerous: as such, there are many common workplace injuries resulting from unsuitable working environments. If this is the case, you should consider making an injury at work claim.

Some of the most common of these include these four common workplace injuries we list below.

Four Common Workplace Injuries

1. Back Injuries

Back injuries are part of a broader problem, with musculoskeletal disorders resulting from extensive manual work. For instance, heavy lifting and a lack of proper physical training can leave you with pain in your back. Not to mention in your upper limbs, such as your arms and neck.

It can be potentially debilitating and can also leave you unable to work in the future. As a result, you should consider making a work accident claim for these injuries.

You can prevent musculoskeletal disorders by ensuring that you:

  • Have adequate training in terms of lifting and carrying;
  • Only carry what you physically find comfortable, and;
  • That, if office work is the cause, that you adjust your seating arrangement. Thus ensuring that you maintain better posture throughout the day.

2. Asthma

If you are around toxic substances for long periods, this can cause asthma. Asthma is long term breathing condition which can be harmful and lead to dangerous consequences.

Ultimately, it’s a result of the swelling of your airways that make it difficult to breathe; moreover, poor working conditions can accelerate this.

You should follow regulations at all times to ensure that you remain safe in your workplace at all times.

3. Whiplash

Sudden movements that jolt the body and cause injury to define a whiplash accident. Moreover, it’s usually common in car crashes and other incidents involving moving vehicles.

Therefore, no win no fee whiplash claims are common in workplaces which include moving vehicles and often cause injury to the head, neck and shoulder area of your body. Although whiplash injury claims cannot be prevented, you should ensure that you are fully trained to drive the vehicles in question and that you never drive when you are tired or exhausted.

To treat whiplash, you may have to :

  • Wear a neck collar;
  • Avoid staying in the same position;
  • Take painkillers, and;
  • Ice down the area often to prevent swelling.

If you’re wondering how much compensation for whiplash you may get, whiplash cases tend to generate between £1,000-£2,000.

4. Hearing Loss

In short, hearing loss is one of the UK’s most significant causes for a workplace injury. Studies show up to 20,000 people suffer industrial hearing loss and subsequently seek hearing loss compensation. Hearing loss claims can be caused by being around loud equipment while at work for long periods. Hearing damage can also include tinnitus, where there is an unusual ringing sound in one or both ears.

To prevent hearing loss, invest in hearing protection such as earmuffs. Or ask to use quieter equipment that damages your ears less. Accordingly, if you believe that you have hearing loss at work, you should make an industrial hearing loss claim. The hearing loss claim time limit, incidentally, is three (3) years, which is common for the majority of personal injury claims.

HONOURABLE MENTIONS: Just a Few More Common Workplace Injuries

To say nothing of the four common injuries above, we don’t want you to leave her short on knowledge. Below are some other injuries in the workplace and accidents a business owner or council will shudder at.

a. Injuries from Slips, Trips and Falls

In general, slip and fall include a variety of different possible incidents. From falling objects to wet floors, it’s actually a fairly common claim we pursue regarding workplace safety and workers compensation.

b. Repetitive Strain Injury

Repetitive motion activity (for instance, using a mouse or keyboard) leave individuals prone to repetitive strain injury (RSI). In short, strained muscles from the demands of such work create difficulties worthy of a claim.

c. Crash and/or Crush Injury

Our last honourable mention requires a bit of personal protective equipment, airbags, and other safety equipment to avoid. Crash injuries or collisions tend to involve accidents and injuries from a road traffic accident (RTA). For more on the subject, check out this post.

If you have a workplace injury and would like to make claims at work to seek compensation, get legal support. Start by contacting a solicitor or advice service that can guide you on how best to navigate the legal processes.

Can You Make A Claim For Hearing Loss?

Hearing loss is often seen as an affliction of the elderly; the natural decline of the human body as it ages and becomes less efficient and more aged. This is, however, often not the case. Many occupations and events in life can directly influence the power of your hearing. In these cases, and especially in the case of industrial hearing loss claims,  you’ll be able to fight for compensation with a claim through our specialist team.

The Time Limit

Bearing in mind that hearing loss is also a natural repercussion of ageing, you should talk to our specialists as soon as possible if you think that you have a claim to make. That’s because the hearing loss claim time limit can prevent you from a successful bid for compensation if it’s left too long or late in life. The best time to claim is while you’re still in the occupation that’s exposed you to the conditions that damage your hearing, or when you’ve just left your position.

The Conditions

Many companies expose their workers to conditions that can cause hearing loss. These jobs might include:

  • Exposure to heavy, noisy machinery in industry
  • Exposure to loud music in clubs, bars or at other events
  • Exposure to noise in the aviation industry or other transportation industries
  • Exposure to loud noise on construction sites

Hearing loss compensation is most likely to be assigned to those people who are repeatedly exposed to such conditions in their workplace or in their occupational career. To establish the liability of your employer for the hearing loss you’ve experienced, it’s important to reflect on the conditions of your workplace, and whether your employers were taking care of their workforce’s hearing.

Your Rights

As an employee, you’re due protection from harm. It is your employer’s responsibility to protect you from harm of any kind, and this includes a loss of hearing as a result of the conditions you’re forced to work under. This code is enshrined in law, and so you have the right to make hearing loss claims against your employers if you feel they have violated their right to protect you from harm. Our legal team is particularly well-versed in the compensation procedure when it comes to hearing loss, so you’ll be able to present your violated right to them for them to assemble a case.

Building Your Case

Once you’ve approached our legal team for a free consultation, we’ll be able to assemble your case. With the know-how gleaned from many years of claim management and successful compensation grants, our team will pursue those liable for your loss of hearing for just compensation. We’ll even be confident enough in this area to give you a predicted compensation figure, and our prediction as to whether your case will fail, reach a compromise, or succeed. Your part in the process is minimal; you’ll merely be required to give evidence and information about your hearing loss.

If you’ve experienced a loss to your hearing as a result of the conditions you’ve experienced in the workplace, then you may be due compensation. Approach our specialists for a consultation for us to establish your claim and win you the compensation you deserve.

What To Do After An Injury At Work

With such a wide variety of workplaces in which employees spend the majority of their waking lives, it’s little wonder that occasionally hazard perception measures aren’t enough to prevent an injury. If you find yourself one of the unlucky people to suffer an injury at your place of work, no matter how severe, there are four steps that you should follow to ensure you’re being treated respectfully by your employer, and that you achieve any compensation that you’re due. The below guide applies to anyone who’s suffered any kind of injury in the workplace.

Assess the Damage

Injuries vary from person to person and from relatively straightforward injuries to those that have a significant effect on your life and your ability to work. The first thing you should do after suffering a workplace injury is to visit your doctor. Ask them to assess the severity of your injury, and to write a short report based on their findings. Those injuries that have caused you pain or trauma, even if you’re able to continue working, are nonetheless befitting of compensation. More severe injuries that prevent you from working need also to be signed off by a doctor.

Talk to Your Employer

Your employer is no doubt aware of the injury you sustained in the workplace. You should make them aware of your injury as soon as it takes place, and ensure that you have witnesses to the event so that you can prove that the injury was sustained while you were working. Discuss paid leave with your employer in the case that you need time off – and if you don’t, it’s still best that they know you’re pursuing a work accident claim in the UK.

Make a Note of Costs

Injuries are costly – that’s precisely why they’re life events that are due compensation if encountered at work. You may have to pay hospital or doctor’s bills, transport costs, and other expenses that are attributable to the injury you’ve sustained. Keep a note of these costs and proof of their existence where possible so that when you come to make your claim, you’re fully compensated for all the additional costs that the injury at work has created.

Talk to the Experts

Now it’s time to look into the compensation that you are due. Your injury, the trauma endured, and the effect it has on your lifestyle, and of course the doctor’s fees, will all be taken into account before you’re presented with a quote. You’ll be able to ask for a quote on your compensation figure and the likelihood that you’ll be granted this compensation, from our experienced experts.

From there, you leave the compensation in their hands: they’ll work on your case, build an argument, and will approach your employer with a request for compensation that they may either refute or accept. In this way, there’s no stress on you throughout the procedure, and you’ll be granted your compensation as soon as the process of your injury at work claim is concluded.

Injuries at work can be costly and damaging to one’s lifestyle; that’s why you should claim compensation through the four steps outlined above.

Five Uncommon Accidents at Work

We are all familiar when it comes to common accidents, from an injury at work to needing to make a whiplash injury claim. Perhaps you tripped and fell at work, strained your muscles from repeated actions, were hit when trying to reach a file box too high up. Crashes, cuts, toxic fumes, sound-related injuries, clumsiness, and even fights are common.

What about the uncommon accidents? Though rare, they can be devastating in their consequences. Knowing first-aid, how to respond, and more importantly, your rights afterwards can help you recover from these extreme incidents faster, so that you can successfully move on with your life.

Uncommon Accidents at Work

The top uncommon accidents at work include:

Fire-Related Accidents

Fires are still relatively rare, though certainly not unheard of. From smoke inhalation to burns, a fire that breaks out in your workplace can pose serious dangers to your health and even your life. Then there are the psychological damages that can occur from being trapped, facing the very real reality of either choking to death on the smoke, or dying from being burned alive. If this happens to you, seeking out compensation is critical. Most fires are not flukes and instead caused by a fault.

Dangerous Chemical Absorption

When the chemicals or products you use, as per your employers’ instructions, cause serious disease, illness, or disability, they are at fault. They are especially at fault if they did so with the knowledge of the dangers their product possessed.

Building Collapse

Another employer fault that is, thankfully, rare in the UK is a building collapse. This occurs when the building is not kept up to code or worse, unlawful and unsafe extensions are added. A building collapse can result in immediate tragedy, and even if you manage to make it out of the building unscathed, can cause severe psychological trauma.

Animal Attack

Almost 75 farmers have died in the last few years not from dealing with a dangerous animal but instead dealing with a cow. We tend to forget docile creatures are inherently dangerous due to their size and strength. That is why, though animal attacks are uncommon at work, they do still happen, and sometimes even result in death.


Robberies are incredibly uncommon but do still happen. The worst part is that those who are conducting the robbery are very unlikely to be calm and organised. One wrong move or a loud noise could set off their nerves and you could be harmed in the proceeding. It is your employer’s responsibility to provide you with a safe working environment, which is why you will see banks, post offices, and similar institutions have glass guarding their employees against the customers.

What to Do if You Have Been Injured at Work

If you have been injured at work, you will want to:

  1. Learn your Rights
  2. Contact a Lawyer
  3. Build a Case
  4. Get the Compensation You Deserve

If you have been injured at work, then contact us today to see if you have a case. From making claims at work to personal injury claims, there is a solicitor for you. If you do, we will work for you until you have the compensation you need to move on from your injury and recover successfully.