Who To Turn To After Suffering An Injury At Work

Suffering Injury At Work

Knowing what to do after a workplace injury can help you to reduce the stress and confusion of what comes next. Workplace injuries are unfortunately common, and if you have become involved with one that affects your health, then you may be entitled to make a work accident compensation claim.

With any injury at work, there are a clear set of steps that you need to take to ensure that your recovery is more rapid. There is a clear ladder of succession when it comes to who to turn to, and by following these steps you make your chances of making a successful injury at work claim more likely.

Speak To Colleagues

Your first step after an injury at work is to ensure that you have received the correct medical attention. Your first step should be to inform your colleagues of the accident and seek out the designated first aider on the premises. This will be an essential stage when it comes to your recovery. The sooner that you receive medical help, the better.

Speaking to your colleagues will also make them aware of the circumstances of your injury and reduce the chances of the same thing happening to them. This will also help form the foundation of your injury at work claim.

Report the Incident to Management

Speaking to your manager will be the next step. If your injury is serious, then they have a legal obligation to inform the Health and Safety Executive. In many companies, failing to report the accident can be a dismissible offence, so make sure that you do so. At this point, focus more on ensuring that the accident isn’t repeated, and do not discuss the notion of blame. Fault is a difficult element of an injury at work claim, and by raising the subject now, you may end up making it harder to move forward. However, you need to ensure that your accident has been recorded in the accident report book. It may also be useful to take any photos of the environment where the accident occurred, as well as any injuries that you have received.

Medical Professionals

If you are considering making a work accident compensation claim, then you will need to compile evidence. Keep any records of visits to your GP or the hospital. These will be essential if you decide to make a grievance. You should also consider keeping a diary of your symptoms as well, as this will help both your legal team and your doctor. Bear in mind that if you only visit your doctor once, then your payment will be affected. An injury at work claim is decided by the effects of the injury, and the more severe it is, the higher your compensation will be. If you have issues with pain or quality of life, then take the time to visit your GP.

Being involved in a work-related injury will always take you by surprise. Managing and coping in both the long and short-term will be far easier if you follow these guidelines. Speak to a legal professional who has experience with injury at work cases, and you could be receiving monetary compensation that will make your recovery much more manageable.